Teresa Esposito

PhD student of Dietology

Name Teresa
Surname Esposito
Institution Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
E-Mail teresa.esposito@unicampania.it
Address Institute of Genetics and Biophysics "Adriano Buzzati-Traverso"
Teresa Esposito


  • B cells from nuclear factor kB essential modulator deficient patients fail to differentiate to antibody secreting cells in response to TLR9 ligand.

    Publication Date: 01/12/2015 on Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)
    by Giardino G, Cirillo E, Gallo V, Esposito T, Fusco F, Conte MI, Quinti I, Ursini MV, Carsetti R, Pignata C
    DOI: 10.1016/j.clim.2015.08.008

    Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) consists of disorders resulting from molecular alterations of ectodysplasin-A (EDA) pathway. Hypomorphic mutations in NF-kB essential modulator, downstream EDA, result in HED with immunodeficiency (HED-ID), characterized by susceptibility to encapsulated pyogenic bacteria infections. Increased susceptibility to pneumococcal infections and poor response to polysaccharide antigens are associated with defect in T-independent B-cell immunity. We investigated B-cell differentiation and immunoglobulin secretion induced by the TLR9 ligand CpG in two HED-ID and in a HED patient caused by EDA mutations (XLHED). In HED-ID, only few B cells differentiated into plasma cells upon TLR9 stimulation and memory B cells did not produce IgG and IgA, but small amounts of IgM. Unexpectedly, memory B cells from XLHED patient failed to produce normal IgA or IgG amount upon TLR9 stimulation. Our findings expand the knowledge about the pathogenesis of humoral alterations in HED patients and help explain the susceptibility to pneumococcal infections.

  • Hormonal regulation and characterization of MHG30 gene, a desaturase-like gene of hamster harderian gland.

    Publication Date: 01/11/2015 on The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology
    by Esposito T, Tammaro P, Paolisso G, Varriale B
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2015.07.010

    The harderian gland (HG) is an orbital gland of the vast majority of land vertebrates. In the Syrian hamster these glands display a marked sexual dimorphism. Here we present data on a male specific clone named MHG30. The MHG30 cDNA (1470 bp) has significant sequence homologies with human #15μ10#Δ6-desaturase enzymes. The expression of MHG30 has been found in male HG and in the liver of both sexes, no other tissue showing the presence of MHG30 mRNA. Castration brings the MHG30 levels below detectable level in about 7 days. In in vitro cultures of male hamster HG cells, androgens (A) determine an enhancement of MHG30 expression in a time-dependent manner. Conversely, a continuous decrement has been observed in control cells and in cells treated with A plus flutamide (F) or with A and cycloheximide (Cy). Incubation of cells in cultures supplemented with desamethason (Dex) or thyroid hormone (T3) also increases MHG30 expression while 17β-estradiol prevents the stimulatory effect exerted by A, Dex and T3. Findings strongly suggest that the MHG30 gene could be involved in supporting the sexual dimorphism and its expression is likely triggered by a series of hormonal interactions.

  • A novel GBE1 mutation and features of polyglucosan bodies autophagy in adult polyglucosan body disease.

    Publication Date: 01/03/2015 on Neuromuscular disorders : NMD
    by Sampaolo S, Esposito T, Gianfrancesco F, Napolitano F, Lombardi L, Lucà R, Roperto F, Di Iorio G
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nmd.2014.11.006

    We report the clinical, neuro-imaging, pathological and biochemical features of an Italian family in which two siblings have the Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease (APBD). APBD is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a gradually progressive involvement of both the central and peripheral nervous systems caused by the deficiency of the glycogen branching enzyme (GBE1). The two affected siblings, a 64-year-old man and his 67-year-old sister who had complained of urinary urgency and sporadic incontinence and also progressive gait difficulty for 6 and 7 years respectively, had severely impaired deep sensations on direct examination and a moderately severe symmetrical, axonal sensory-motor neuropathy on electrophysiological testing. GBE1 activity was below 25% of the normal rate in leukocytes and sural nerves. The siblings were homozygous for the novel GBE1 mutation p.N541D. All other members of the pedigree are heterozygous and manifest no symptoms, even in the very elderly. The affected siblings showed polyglucosan bodies (PBs) included within non-myelinating Schwann cells and within lymphocyte vesicles, which were positive for the autophagy markers P62 and LC3-II at immunofluorescence microscopy.

  • Symptomatic Heterozygosity due to Definite GAA Mutations in Late-Onset Pompe Disease.

    Publication Date: 01/01/2015 on Journal of neuromuscular diseases
    by Sampaolo S, Farina O, Cipullo F, Napolitano F, Esposito T, Lombardi L, Di Iorio G
  • A Unique Myopathy Syndrome in a Patient Disclosing Clinical, Laboratory, and Genetic Findings of Late-Onset Pompe Disease, Together with a Lack of Dysferlin on Muscle Biopsy.

    Publication Date: 01/01/2015 on Journal of neuromuscular diseases
    by Sampaolo S, Lombardi L, Pascarella A, Picillo E, Farina O, Esposito T, Politano L, Di Iorio G
  • Regulation of flavin-containing mono-oxygenase (Fmo3) gene expression by steroids in mice and humans.

    Publication Date: 01/12/2014 on Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation
    by Esposito T, Varriale B, D'Angelo R, Amato A, Sidoti A
    DOI: 10.1515/hmbci-2014-0012

    Abstract Flavin-containing mono-oxygenases (FMOs) are a family of microsomal chemical- and drug-metabolizing enzymes. FMO3 is a major FMO form in adult mouse and human liver. FMO3 mutations have been associated with the incidence and severity of trimethylaminuria (TMAU), a metabolic disorder characterized by the inability of the affected individual to metabolize the odorous trimethylamine to its non-odorous N-oxide. In addition to this primary genetic form, there are other forms of TMAU that support the hypothesis that FMO3 activity may be modulated by steroid hormones. To understand the molecular mechanism involved in the regulation of Fmo3 gene expression by steroid hormones, we performed this study in an in vitro cellular system, mouse liver cells, and on the human FMO3 gene. Dexamethasone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, thyroid hormone, and progesterone had no effect on the accumulation of Fmo3 mRNA. The use of increased concentration of theophylline inhibited estrogen receptor α (ERα)-mediated transcription of Fmo3 mRNA. 17β-Estradiol inhibited Fmo3 mRNA accumulation. The use of ICI 164,384 abolished the inhibitory effect induced by estrogen. Gel-shift analyses showed a binding in the 5' region of the Fmo3 gene. This binding was abrogated by an excess of a cDNA containing an estrogen-responsive element. An estrogen-binding site was also present in the first intron of the human gene, as demonstrated by the gel-shift assay. Supershift experiments confirmed the binding of ERα in both mouse and human samples. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation assay confirmed the binding of ERα in the promoter region of mouse Fmo3 and in the first intron of the human FMO3 gene. Thus, 17β-estradiol plays a fundamental role in the regulation of Fmo3 gene transcription.

  • Gastrointestinal involvement in patients affected with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

    Publication Date: 01/03/2014 on Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology
    by Giardino G, Cirillo E, Maio F, Gallo V, Esposito T, Naddei R, Grasso F, Pignata C
    DOI: 10.3109/00365521.2013.855814

    OBJECTIVE. Enteropathy is a very common feature in patients with primary immunodeficiencies. In patients with Del22 gastrointestinal (GI) alterations, including feeding disorders and congenital abnormalities have been often reported, mostly in the first year of life. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Aim of this monocentric study is to better define the GI involvement in a cohort of 26 patients affected with Del22 syndrome. Anamnestic information was retrospectively collected for each patient. Weight and height parameters at the time of the screening were recorded. Plasma levels of hemoglobin, iron, ferritin, albumin, total protein, calcium, phosphorus, transaminase levels, antigliadin (AGA) IgA and IgG, and antitissue transglutaminase (anti-TGase) titers were measured. RESULTS. A GI involvement was identified in the 58% of patients. The prominent problems were abdominal pain, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux and chronic constipation. Weight deficiency, short stature and failure to thrive were reported in 54, 42, and 30% of the patients, respectively. The evidence of sideropenic anemia, in keeping with hypoproteinemia, impaired acid steatocrit or cellobiose/mannitol test suggested an abnormal intestinal permeability. In this cohort, a high prevalence of AGA IgA and IgG positivity was observed. Celiac disease (CD) was suspected in three patients, and in one of them confirmed by histology. In this patient, a long-lasting gluten-free diet failed to restore the intestinal architecture. CONCLUSIONS. In conclusion, GI involvement is a very common feature in Del22 patients. A better characterization of GI involvement would be very useful to improve the management of these patients.

  • Distinct disease phenotypes linked to different combinations of GAA mutations in a large late-onset GSDII sibship.

    Publication Date: 10/10/2013 on Orphanet journal of rare diseases
    by Sampaolo S, Esposito T, Farina O, Formicola D, Diodato D, Gianfrancesco F, Cipullo F, Cremone G, Cirillo M, Del Viscovo L, Toscano A, Angelini C, Di Iorio G
    DOI: 10.1186/1750-1172-8-159

    Glycogenosis type II (GSDII or Pompe disease) is an autosomal recessive disease, often characterized by a progressive accumulation of glycogen within lysosomes caused by a deficiency of α-1,4-glucosidase (GAA; acid maltase), a key enzyme of the glycogen degradation pathway. To date, more than 326 different mutations in the GAA gene have been identified in patients with GSDII but the course of the disease is difficult to be predicted on the basis of molecular genetic changes. Studies on large informative families are advisable to better define how genetics and non genetics factors like exercise and diet may influence the clinical phenotype.

  • Digenic mutational inheritance of the integrin alpha 7 and the myosin heavy chain 7B genes causes congenital myopathy with left ventricular non-compact cardiomyopathy.

    Publication Date: 21/06/2013 on Orphanet journal of rare diseases
    by Esposito T, Sampaolo S, Limongelli G, Varone A, Formicola D, Diodato D, Farina O, Napolitano F, Pacileo G, Gianfrancesco F, Di Iorio G
    DOI: 10.1186/1750-1172-8-91

    We report an Italian family in which the proband showed a severe phenotype characterized by the association of congenital fiber type disproportion (CFTD) with a left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC). This study was focused on the identification of the responsible gene/s.

  • Betamethasone therapy in ataxia telangiectasia: unraveling the rationale of this serendipitous observation on the basis of the pathogenesis.

    Publication Date: 01/05/2013 on European journal of neurology
    by Giardino G, Fusco A, Romano R, Gallo V, Maio F, Esposito T, Palamaro L, Parenti G, Salerno MC, Vajro P, Pignata C
    DOI: 10.1111/ene.12024

    Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by progressive neurological dysfunction. To date, only supportive care aimed to halt the progressive neurodegeneration is available for the treatment. Recently, an improvement of neurological signs during short-term treatment with betamethasone has been reported. To date, the molecular and biochemical mechanisms by which the steroid produces such effects have not yet been elucidated. Therefore, a review of the literature was carried out to define the potential molecular and functional targets of the steroid effects in A-T. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are capable of diffusing into the CNS by crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) where they exert effects on the suppression of inflammation or as antioxidant. GCs have been shown to protect post-mitotic neurons from apoptosis. Eventually, GCs may also modulate synaptic plasticity. A better understanding of the mechanisms of action of GCs in the brain is needed, because in A-T during the initial phase of cell loss the neurological impairment may be rescued by interfering in the biochemical pathways. This would open a new window of intervention in this so far incurable disease.