International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP)

The School on Natural Products is sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and organized under the direction of the Department of Pharmacy (University of Naples), the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, and the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB-CNR). ISSNP 2017 is a five-days School consisting of lessons delivered by acclaimed scientists from academia and industry, comprehensive talks, oral and poster presentations by participants on innovative and emerging themes of research at the cutting-edge of natural products drug, cosmetic and food research.

This year there will be 3 interactive-sessions: the first named "From ideas to business plan" leaded by Prof. Chereau from the Skema Business School; the second dedicated to "Soft skills", a training lab session aimed to improve oral and written communication skills; the last one dedicated to patents with the participation of dr. Paola Lauro from the European Patent Office. All sessions will be in a non-formal atmosphere where young researchers and acclaimed scientists will have time to talk, share ideas and have fun.

The poster communications are briefly presented by the authors during lively open sessions, in line with the main aim of the school to create a friendly environment and provide the opportunity to young scientists, post-docs and PhD students to meet leading scientists of high international repute in a very relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Have a glance on the scheduled programme through the link:

We look forward to welcoming you in Naples in July 2015!

(To read more, click here!)